Rolling Thunder Show

Open and close the tabs below to view racing results from the 2015 season.


NB: This is a non-Championship round.

Heat 1:

1st: #317 Mark Sanders
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #116 John Smith
4th: #38 Daniel Boys
5th: #2 Kelvin Hassell
6th: #9 Paul Sweeney
7th: #231 Matthew Clayton
DNF: #623 Courtney Smith
DNF: #24 Gordon Barnes

Heat 2:

1st: #9 Paul Sweeney
2nd: #2 Kelvin Hassell
3rd: #231 Matthew Clayton
4th: #38 Daniel Boys
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #26 Craig Driscoll
7th: #116 John Smith
8th: #24 Gordon Barnes
DNF: #623 Courtney Smith

Southern Championship:

1st: #231 Matthew Clayton
2nd: #2 Kelvin Hassell
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #317 Mark Sanders
5th: #116 John Smith
6th: #38 Daniel Boys
7th: #9 Paul Sweeney
8th: #623 Courtney Smith (listed as 613 on Rolling Thunder website)
DNS: #24 Gordon Barnes

Heat 1:

1st: #5 Damien Matthews
2nd: #32 Daniel Pooley
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #317 Mark Sanders
5th: #38 Daniel Boys
6th: #116 John Smith
7th: #623 Courtney Smith

Heat 2:

1st: #38 Daniel Boys
2nd: #5 Damien Matthews
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #623 Courtney Smith
5th: #32 Daniel Pooley
6th: #116 John Smith
7th: #317 Mark Sanders

East Anglian Championship:

1st: #5 Damien Matthews
2nd: #32 Daniel Pooley
3rd: #623 Courtney Smith
4th: #26 Craig Driscoll
5th: #38 Daniel Boys
6th: #317 Mark Sanders
7th: #116 John Smith

Heat 1:

1st: #32 Daniel Pooley
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #623 Courtney Smith
4th: #231 Matthew Clayton
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #116 John Smith
7th: #38 Daniel Boys

Heat 2:

1st: #623 Courtney Smith
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #32 Daniel Pooley
5th: #116 John Smith
6th: #38 Daniel Boys
7th: #317 Mark Sanders


1st: #623 Courtney Smith
2nd: #32 Daniel Pooley
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #38 Daniel Boys
5th: #231 Matthew Clayton
6th: #116 John Smith
7th: #317 Mark Sanders

Heat 1:

1st: #38 Daniel Boys
2nd: #623 Courtney Smith
3rd: #75 Pete Lewis
4th: #9 Paul Sweeney
5th: #44 Michael Fallows
#231 Matthew Clayton – DNF
#317 Mark Sanders – DNF

Heat 2:

1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #317 Mark Sanders
4th: #623 Courtney Smith
5th: #75 Pete Lewis
6th: #9 Paul Sweeney
7th: #38 Daniel Boys
8th: #44 Michael Fallows

National Championship Final/Gold Roof:

1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #38 Daniel Boys
3rd: #231 Matthew Clayton
4th: #623 Courtney Smith
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #75 Pete Lewis
7th: #9 Paul Sweeney
8th: #44 Michael Fallows

Heat 1:

1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #48 Malcolm Foskett
4th: #317 Mark Sanders
5th: #623 Courtney Smith
6th: #75 Pete Lewis
7th: #1 Billy Quinn
8th: #88 Katie Hawes

Heat 2:

1st: #317 Mark Sanders
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #623 Courtney Smith
5th: #48 Malcolm Foskett
6th: #75 Pete Lewis
7th: #1 Billy Quinn
8th: #88 Katie Hawes

Final/Apex Conservatory Challenge Cup:

1st: #623 Courtney Smith
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #317 Mark Sanders
4th: #75 Pete Lewis
5th: #88 Katie Hawes
6th: #1 Billy Quinn
7th: #48 Malcolm Foskett
#26 Craig Driscoll – DNF

Heat 1:

1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #4 Trevor Foskett
3rd: #231 Matthew Clayton
4th: #116 John Smith
5th: #623 Courtney Smith
6th: #317 Mark Sanders
7th: #3 Daniel Parker

Heat 2:

1st: #231 Matthew Clayton
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #116 John Smith
4th: #4 Trevor Foskett
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #623 Courtney Smith
7th: #3 Daniel Parker


1st: #116 John Smith
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #4 Trevor Foskett
4th: #26 Craig Driscoll
5th: #623 Courtney Smith
6th: #3 Daniel Parker
7th: #317 Mark Sanders

Heat 1:

1st: #231 Matthew Clayton
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #116 John Smith
4th: #317 Mark Sanders
5th: #13 Reece Arnold
6th: #623 Courtney Smith
#8 Ian Sturt – DNF

Heat 2:

1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #116 John Smith
4th: #623 Courtney Smith
5th: #8 Ian Sturt
6th: #13 Reece Arnold


1st: #13 Reece Arnold
2nd: #8 Ian Sturt
3rd: #116 John Smith
4th: #231 Matthew Clayton
5th: #26 Craig Driscoll
6th: #623 Courtney Smith

Heat 1:

1st: #231 Matthew Clayton
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #48 Malcolm Foskett
4th: #623 Courtney Smith
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #38 Daniel Boys
7th: #5 Paul Sweeney
8th: #13 Reece Arnold

Heat 2:

1st: #5 Paul Sweeney
2nd: #48 Malcolm Foskett
3rd: #231 Matthew Clayton
4th: #26 Craig Driscoll
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #38 Daniel Boys
7th: #13 Reece Arnold
#623 Courtney Smith – DNF


1st: #231 Matthew Clayton
2nd: #623 Courtney Smith
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #317 Mark Sanders
5th: #38 Daniel Boys
6th: #5 Paul Sweeney
7th: #48 Malcolm Foskett
8th: #13 Reece Arnold

Heat 1:

1st: #623 Courtney Smith
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #116 John Smith
4th: #441 Gary Legrice
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #7 Chris Randell
7th: #13 Reece Arnold

Heat 2:

1st: #317 Mark Sanders
2nd: #116 John Smith
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #13 Reece Arnold
5th: #7 Chris Randell
6th: #623 Courtney Smith
7th: #441 Gary Legrice


1st: #317 Mark Sanders
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #441 Gary Legrice
4th: #116 John Smith
5th: #7 Chris Randell
6th: #13 Reece Arnold
7th: #623 Courtney Smith

Heat 1:

1st: #116 John Smith
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #231 Matthew Clayton
4th: #317 Mark Sanders
5th: #97 Mike Walmsley
6th: #75 Pete Lewis
#49 Ron Gray – DNF

Heat 2:

1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #116 John Smith
4th: #317 Mark Sanders
5th: #97 Mike Walmsley
6th: #49 Ron Gray
7th: #75 Pete Lewis

Heat 3:

1st: #97 Mike Walmsley
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #49 Ron Gray
5th: #116 John Smith
6th: #317 Mark Sanders
7th: #75 Pete Lewis

British Championship:

1st: #317 Mark Sanders
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #97 Mike Walmsley
5th: #75 Pete Lewis
#49 Ron Gray – DNF
#116 John Smith – DNF

Heat 1:

1st: #48 Malcolm Foskett
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #231 Matthew Clayton
4th: #116 John Smith
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #623 Courtney Smith
7th: #149 Reece Stannard
#38 Daniel Boys – DNF

Heat 2:

1st: #48 Malcolm Foskett
2nd: #116 John Smith
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #231 Matthew Clayton
5th: #623 Courtney Smith
6th: #317 Mark Sanders
7th: #38 Daniel Boys
8th: #149 Reece Stannard


1st: #48 Malcolm Foskett
2nd: #231 Matthew Clayton
3rd: #116 John Smith
4th: #26 Craig Driscoll
5th: #623 Courtney Smith
6th: #317 Mark Sanders
7th: #38 Daniel Boys
8th: #149 Reece Stannard

Heat 1:

1st: #231 Matthew Clayton
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #48 Trevor Foskett
4th: #623 Courtney Smith
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #75 Pete Lewis
7th: #11 Reece Stannard
#97 John Smith – DNF

Heat 2:

1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #623 Courtney Smith
3rd: #48 Trevor Foskett
4th: #231 Matthew Clayton
5th: #11 Reece Stannard
6th: #317 Mark Sanders
7th: #75 Pete Lewis
#97 John Smith – DNF


1st: #11 Reece Stannard
2nd: #97 John Smith
3rd: #623 Courtney Smith
4th: #75 Pete Lewis
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
#48 Trevor Foskett – DNF
#26 Craig Driscoll – DNF
#231 Matthew Clayton – DNF

Heat 1:

1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #48 Trevor Foskett
3rd: #212 John Smith
4th: #623 Courtney Smith
5th: #97 Callum Peate
6th: #75 Pete Lewis
7th: #116 Tom Harden
8th: #317 Mark Sanders

Heat 2:

1st: #212 John Smith
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #623 Courtney Smith
4th: #75 Pete Lewis
5th: #317 Mark Sanders
6th: #97 Callum Peate
7th: #116 Tom Harden
#48 Trevor Foskett – DNF


1st: #317 Mark Sanders
2nd: #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd: #48 Trevor Foskett
4th: #212 John Smith
5th: #623 Courtney Smith
6th: #75 Pete Lewis
7th: #116 Tom Harden
#97 Callum Peate – DNF

Heat 1:

1st: #48 Malcolm Foskett
2: #26 Craig Driscoll
3: #97 Derek Hawes
4: #231 Matthew Clayton
5: #75 John Smith
6: #623 Courtney Smith
#116 Paul Barrett – DNF
#99 Billy Quinn – DNF

Heat 2:

1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #48 Malcolm Foskett
3rd: #623 Courtney Smith
4th: #75 John Smith
5th: #97 Derek Hawes
6th: #231 Matthew Clayton
7th: #116 Carrie Ann Clayton
8th: #99 Billy Quinn


1st: #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd: #48 Malcolm Foskett
3rd: #231 Matthew Clayton
4th: #75 John Smith
5th: #97 Derek Hawes
6th: #99 Billy Quinn
7th: #116 Carrie Ann Clayton
#623 Courtney Smith – DNF

Heat 1:

1st: #48 Malcolm Foskett
2nd: #75 John Smith
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #231 Matthew Clayton
5th: #623 Courtney Smith
6th: #97 Jason Potts
7th: #99 Callum Peate
8th: #116 Carrie-Ann Clayton

Heat 2:

1st: #623 Courtney Smith
2nd: #48 Malcolm Foskett
3rd: #75 John Smith
4th: #26 Craig Driscoll
5th: #231 Matthew Clayton
6th: #97 Jason Potts
7th: #99 Callum Peate
8th: #116 Carrie-Ann Clayton


1st: #75 John Smith
2nd: #48 Malcolm Foskett
3rd: #26 Craig Driscoll
4th: #623 Courtney Smith
5th: #99 Callum Peate
6th: #97 Jason Potts
#231 Matthew Clayton – DNF
#116 Carrie-Ann Clayton – DNF

Heat 1:

1st #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd #97 Jason Potts
3rd #48 Malcolm Foskett
4th #623 Courtney Smith
5th #212 John Smith
6th #99 Callum Peate
7th #75 Pete Lewis
8th #116 Karl Smith

Heat 2:

1st #212 John Smith
2nd #26 Craig Driscoll
3rd #623 Courtney Smith
4th #48 Malcolm Foskett
5th #99 Callum Peate
6th #97 Jason Potts
7th #75 Pete Lewis
8th #116 Karl Smith


1st #26 Craig Driscoll
2nd #48 Malcolm Foskett
3rd #116 Karl Smith
4th #212 John Smith
5th #623 Courtney Smith
6th #99 Callum Peate
7th #97 Jason Peate
8th #75 Pete Lewis